TNW: The Top 5 Regrets People Have on their Death Beds.
So good!! xoxox
I thought I was the source of my unproductivity. Clearly I was wrong... He would later curl up in my lap for a snooze and make me feel guilty for needing to get up.
Complete bum.
I think I must be an ass... Organized religion not only scares the shit out of me but... Well really kind of turns me off.
When deeply religious people want to do something nice for me, I automatically assume its because they want to go to heaven... Not because they're just nice or good people but because they're preprogrammed to help thy neighbor. It makes me not trust them... If they're just being nice to me to get on some invisible man's good side, who knows what else they're up to.
That's on me.
But what isn't on me is the hoity toity, holier than thou attitude. I work on Sundays so no I don't go to church. Even if I didn't work, I'd probably sleep in because that's what sane people do. Sane people don't wake up at 6am on Sunday morning to make a 7, 8 or 9am mass time... Or whatever time.
But what I do respect about devoutly religious people is the avid belief in something that's never been proven. There's a piece of me that's kind of envious of that. I wish I could capture that kind of passion and follow it blindly on just faith alone. But I just can't and then I start feeling guilty for being so judgmental.
But then I remember people make fun of me for believing in astrology and that sort of goes away.