Abuse of "Celebrity Status" disgusts me.
Natalie Cole spent 5 years abusing the fuck out of her body with alcohol, cocaine and heroin. Now, she needs a new kidney or she faces dialysis for the rest of her life. In light of her Larry King interview, dozens of fans have sent emails asking how they can hook a girl up with a new organ.
But the kid who's sick for one reason or another or the guy that was recently in an accident or something isn't good enough for your kidney... right, Sandy from Maryland? Why aren't you emailing them tripping over yourself and knocking down their door to give away your body parts?
This is exactly the brand of stupidity is what makes me hate the American public.
Whats even more disgusting is that she's willing to accept it, even after explaining that there are plenty of people in this country that are in much more dire need than she is. She even went so far to say that if she finds a live donor, she needs to ask them to wait to donate until the end of the year because she's got "stuff to do." She then got a plug for her website so we can all keep "up-to-date on her search for a donor" and then her new album coming out.
Of course, Little Jimmy thats had a chronic condition most of his life but can't find a donor because he doesn't have the same chance to advocate for himself as Natalie Cole does for herself. She spent the last 45 minutes talking about herself, how not necessary a transplant was but no time advocating other than to make a single comment to the tune of:
"There's many more people in need of a transplant than donors available. And that's unfortunately"
Some guy emailed Larry King:
"Add my name to the list of people willing to donate a kidney to Natalie Cole. Her spirit and talent are needed in this world."
Seriously!? Dude, sure Homegirl can sing but, really?!
Martyrs make me sick.
Anyway, moving right along...
I went to the doctor myself today for the first time in almost a year. She asked me what my symptoms were and when I told her, "I'm dying," she laughed at me, told me to pee in a cup and asked if I could be pregnant. When I told her no, she acted like she didn't believe me.
Apparently even when I'm sick with the flu and talking to a woman, I act like a whore.
To her defense, I had just gotten done talking to her about my concerns about my skipped period in February and my really weird one in March. She asked if I'd taken a test and then told me she was going to test me herself.
Because neither myself nor my hot-as-balls boyfriend can tell the difference between 1 line or 2 on a Giant Eagle Brand pregnancy test that's "over 99% accurate" even if the directions are written in Espagnol and have accompanying pictures.
The kicker to all this was, after I peed in my little cup she came back in looking at my file and saying "Interesting... well you're not pregnant."
Dude! Didn't I just say that? I just told you I wasn't pregnant. Sure it doesn't hurt to check, I'm all for checking... my awesome UPMC insurance is paying for all this, but if I just say something don't think I'm a fucking moron, please! I might not know a lot, but I know my body.
So, sorry Mr Anonymous Alaska! No babies today. <3 She ended up sending me on my way with a script for an antibiotic called Cipro which is supposed to be good for both viral and bacterial infections. Its also supposed to be super strong, I think its what they give Anthrax victims. Basically, this antibiotic goes up to my struggling, floundering antibodies and white blood cells and turns them into this:

My immune system is a badass! Well, no its not. It got me sick but its about to go Turbo Booster and under Cipro's guidance will nuke the shit out of the invaders!
I just got a Tweet from DH_Pisces, a random horoscope generator per sign. Here's what it said:
DH_Pisces Your appearance matters more than ever today -- dress right for the job you want.
Well, I'm fucked! If I look like I have pneumonia does that mean I'm actually going to get pneumonia? I don't want pneumonia! My doctor told me I might get it and as of 20 minutes ago, I've developed a cough. Who's stupid idea was it for me to get sick with this crapola anyway?! I'm going to find them... and I'm going to get them. They can deal with this awful disease and lose time at work instead. Man, my paycheck was going to be SO good too!
Wow, I get really angry when I'm sick. I'm probably just bitter that Natalie Cole is going to get a new kidney before my doctor even figures whats wrong with me or I start feeling better.
Hence the term: "Holywood"
ReplyDeleteI can't stand Hollywood, stars, etc. anymore. I have no desire to support anything coming out of "Holywood" anymore.
If you ask me, they're the primary reason why this country is in the shape it's in. Want to know the reason why this country is so dumb? Look at "Holywood."
I'm just sayin'
no one fucking cares, seriously
ReplyDeleteMeh, wtf did little Johnny ever do in life but have bad genetics? Now we are going to give him a new organ so he can pass his flawed genetic code onto the next generation that will need a donor. Life sucks, get fucked. I remember this exact same conversation years ago when Alonzo Mourning had his transplant. He ended up resuming his NBA stardom. Interestingly, as this news breaks, Zoe just had his number retired the other night by the Miami heat. Zoe has gone on to promote organ donation and various medical research projects. This really has little to do with Hollywood, it's just the haves vs the have nots. A story that's as old as the first farmer that grew some extra crop that he stored away. At least that's Mr. Diamond's explanation. Live or Die, for me, she is forgettable. So for those that know, HHIR.