Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanks, Monty...

The people who live directly behind us own a little Maltese or Westie or some other kind fluffy white lap dog that isn't Monty.

This dog regularly barks and barks and BARKS and barks for no reason that I can see.  I'm sure I'm as sick of that dog as its owners are of mine... which honestly is to say, he doesn't bother me that much.  But I could see where someone would get annoyed with Monty.


I was up till about 2am watching Star Wars, fell asleep and was woken up at 7:40 this morning by that little Maltese or Westie or some other kind of fluffy white lap dog barking is bloody head off.  The dog was seriously PISSED about something.  This was the first time he'd ever woken me up with his barking.

I tried ignoring it at first but it just wasn't happening.  I rolled over and the boyfriend was still snoozing in bed next to me.  He has an 8am class in downtown.  "Babe, what time is your class?"  I asked just in case I was wrong. 

Across the alley behind the house, the dog immediately quit yapping.

My boyfriend bolted upright and sprung out of bed cursing his alarm clock and was out the door in 10 minutes.

Monty, meanwhile, yawned.  Peed on the carpet and went back to sleep in his bed.

Good to know we're safe if there's a fire.

1 comment:

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