Been a few days, hasn't it? Get used to the slow season now that Pens hockey is over.
The Flyers are properly shitting the bed and I'm going to die laughing if Chicago actually takes this Cup in a sweep. What a shame, honestly. It's been a great season and this is how we fans get to enjoy the end: Thing 1 vs Thing 2 in the Who Gives a Fuck Finals.
I've lost some friends cheering for the Flyers. But then, I lost some friends when I said that Phantom Menace was better than a New Hope. I stand by Ron Hextall like I stand with Darth Maul: by hiding in a corner and hoping they don't hurt me.
Ron Hextall would kick Darth Maul's ass if Darth Maul was brave enough to enter his crease.
If you're possibly wondering why I keep talking about #27, its because he's the only Flyer I could ever say anything nice about... although, I'm starting to really enjoy watching Carcillo get pissed and mouth off at someone else's team.
I was calling Flyers in 6 just to be a smartass but I've since seen the light: they listen to Bon Jovi while suiting up not to get psyched but because that's all they're doing, Living on a Prayer.
Chi-town's taking this bitch to the local ice cream parlor and making a Root Beer Float out of it. Chicago in 5. Maybe 6 if Briere starts crying, I heard his tears cure cancer and score top shelf.
Apologies to my friend, Ryan, who's a huge Flyers fan. Your boys did me wrong and have shown me a new reason to hate them... though I am finding these finals immensely entertaining because of them.
In other news, it's a beautiful day here in downtown Pittsburgh. I'm officially the Foursquare mayor of my favorite Starbucks location on 6th and Penn which means that I get $1 off my However-You-Want-It Frap... I'll take a Grande Caramel Lite Frap with 5 pumps of Italian Roast, extra caramel sauce and whip.
I'm a fucking walking oxymoron. Judge me, please.
Now that I've started a new job, I'm starting to realize what a small world exists outside of my bubble. In the 30 minutes I've spent sitting here at Starbucks (looking like a total yuppie I might add with my Droid "Droiding" every 4 minutes while I blog and listen to music on last.fm) I've run into 2 people I used to work with. One was quite a pleasant experience since I haven't seen him in a few months, the other...
Well, you'd never know that I hate her.
It's great to gush over how AWESOME life is to someone when you know they hate theirs. Do I feel like a big person? No. Do I feel validated? Yes! She used to make my life a living hell. You bet I'm happy to tell her how great I'm doing.
I have no problem admitting my immaturity.
The boyfriend and I are all but living together.
If you think I didn't enjoy writing every inch of the last sentence, you're fucking stupid. I'm patiently awaiting a key to the house. It's like getting a key for the front door is the validation for the Tiffany's Key he gave me for Christmas, like a practical and tangible thing behind the symbolism.
Fuck, I love that guy so much.
Hey, I have a new blog follower: @techburgh on Twitter. Hi, Andy. Welcome to my wonderful world of writing. Follow him on Twitter, he's a good guy.
My phone keeps "Droiding" loudly on my table and drawing dirty looks from iPhone users in close proximity. Hey boys, don't hate on the cute girl with the laptop because her text notification is not only customizable but that it's default is so much cooler than yours that it's not even worth changing.
PS yes kid, I'm using the only working outlet in this place. Get fucked and enjoy summer school. Bwahahahahaha!!!
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