Any reason to use a picture of Gwen is a good one.
So, as of 4/30/2010, I quit my job in downtown to take... another job downtown. I'm a glutton for punishment and taxes on the privilege to work in downtown Pittsburgh. Mayor Rapemypocketsenstahl makes sure my desire for being poor is satiated.
For the record, they're pretty much promising the sun, moon and stars to me at this new property so if they don't follow up in 6 months, guess who's hitting the pavement again? Oh, its me!
Also, if you haven't guessed, I love to write. I've got this total pipe dream to be paid to write my observations on a regular basis. I caught an ad on Craig's List the other day looking for a "Writing Maven" in Pittsburgh. If awarded the blogger position, I'd get to write about all the stuff I write about anyway and get paid monthly for it. Do you know what an incredible opportunity that is for me? Just the sheer prospect of it?
I would totally feel successful!
That was 2 weeks ago now, I'm starting to lose hope... so I'll keep writing here for free.
My friend @EricaRocks and I were talking about my departure from the hotel this afternoon at work. I relayed the rather humorous information that since word is getting around the campfire that I'm leaving, some not-so-secret admirers have started crawling out of the woodwork.
Since I turned in my two weeks notice, I've received no less than 4 phone numbers from male soon-to-be-ex-coworkers. I bring this up not to gloat (though I must say I'm pretty impressed with myself) but for the sheer comedic value. Seriously dudes, what the hell? Where were you when I was single? And what the hell do you expect to happen now? Sure, I'll hand out my 10 digits to whomever asks, area code first, but if you're trying to Slick Rick your way into a date or something... think again. That ship has sailed.
Mmm I got a man! [SAAAAH-NAAAP]
Also, where the fuck were you boneheads when I was single? Not saying anything here other than, damn... the opportunity for some fun could have existed.
Too bad, so sad.
Anyway, so I'm sitting there talking to @EricaRocks about all this (and I promise, she really does Rock) and our conversation sort of turned to the effect I have on people in general.
I've always felt my philosophy on life was pretty simple: Do unto others as I would have others do unto me, if you don't like me, go to hell and surround myself with beautiful individuals so I can sap all their good qualities out of them in my last ditch efforts to take over the world.
Pretty simple, right?
I'm coming to realize, especially these past few weeks, that this philosophy really is pretty unique and I have a certain method of both presenting and living it. I don't pretend to understand my own methods. I just tell the truth and allow honesty to guide my self expression.
So @EricaRocks was trying to explain my personality's impact on those around me, since I honestly don't get the draw. Anyway, what I think she was really trying to tell me is that I have a big personality that demands attention. But what she said was:
"You know... I think its just that you're kind of like... BAM I'M A GIRL!!! ...and the rest of us are just kind of like little lightbulbs flickering behind you."
What a statement!
Like seriously, what a great compliment. I mean, I sort of am that person that likes to stick out in a crowd. I don't go out of my way to seek attention, it just sort of comes to me but I'd never shy away from it. I like being memorable and unique. I like being radiant and full of life. So hey... BAM!
I'm a girl.
Post Script:
During Buccos season, I like to ask my friends the same dumb question every year. "You play for MLB. You're at bat. What's your music?" to which I typically receive the same response, "Oh man!! Hmm... that's a hard one. I'll get back to you. What's yours?"
"No Doubt, I'm Just a Girl." duh!
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