The boyfriend and I headed out to Deluca's this afternoon. While we were on Smallman Street, we saw the sign for Peace Love and Little Donuts. I'd had a donut from this fine establishment before but had never been...
Folks, I'm not even fooling when I say it: GO TO PEACE LOVE AND LITTLE DONUTS.
Their operation is modest. Batter is professionally mixed in small vat that hangs over a conveyor belt type fryer. Your freshly made donut is then plucked up by Doug (our donut artist this afternoon) to be hand decorated with the your topping of choice and is then presented to you via napkin, bag or tray.
Its the most magical experience a Foodie like myself could ask for. You name it, they'll put it on a donut. Cinnamon? Sure! Orange? Yep! Raspberry and Oreo? They have that too. Bacon? Yes. Yes! They will put bacon on your donut.
Doug, the guy behind the counter, really makes the store unique. Lets face it, a bacon/maple donut is hard to one up but Doug's personality and engaging conversation made the trip all that much better. I'll certainly go back to the Smallman location with hopes of seeing him there again. He even offered a free chocolate donut with chocolate topping and an awesome little peace sign he made out of pretzel sticks.

Quite fair enough!!
ReplyDeleteAnd, also to be fair, Doug had mentioned this when I was there but, as I believe in separation between church and state, I also believe in separation between political beliefs and donuts.
Denying the man $1.25 for a bacon donut because I think he's an asshole (and I'm totally judging him based on his blog quotes in the link you sent) seems to deny myself as well. I like his product, I'll buy it and recommend it to my guests at the hotel.
Ironically, I will never use because its a dating website that refuses to offer services to the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender community. That's just asinine. Its not like Mr Razete is refusing service to that community, he just doesn't agree with it.
As is his right whether I agree with it or not.
I will add that I think it'd be a simple enough and kind enough gesture for him to make amends with the local gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender community by doing some charitable work.
Cliff's Notes: I think the guy's an idiot but who am I to judge? Donuts are harmless and they make people smile.
Jen, would you feel that way if the "it" in your "he just doesn't agree with it" happened to be for blacks? Or women?
ReplyDeleteWould the donuts taste any less delicious if "it" happened to be blacks or women? I'm guessing not... so as previously stated in the comments here: I believe in the seperation of Politics and Donuts.
ReplyDeleteMy political views have absolutely nothing to do with my waist size. My eating habits contribute to my waist size. So the only people I hate are people who make bad donuts.
My ultimate belief: most people need to chill. If you don't want to give them your business, more power to you. I support your desire to speak your mind that way... but don't hate me for enjoying a good bacon maple because I don't share your passion for your beliefs.
I love you even though you hate good donuts.