Friday, March 19, 2010

FML: You're Doing it Wrong...

Today I'm going to touch on something very dear to my heart. The usage of "FML" which, for those of you who don't know, stands for "Fuck My Life."

Dear Internet Users,


The internet is not real life. For God's sake, stop treating it like it is!

If I have a headache, I'm going to use FML! If I just stubbed my toe, I'm going to use FML. If I forgot to do something at work and I'm going to get written up because of it, guess what? FML. If you tell me that I can't use FML, I'm using FML.

People who actually describe "FML" to be reserved only and specifically for horrible, awful, life changing events are insane. Why would you say FML outside of the internet? Its like walking around and saying "LOL" or "WTF?" or "ROFLcopter." You don't use internet lingo in real life (unless you're hanging out with people you know from the internet in which case it can be semi-funny given the situation) so don't use real life logic on the internet.

Can you actually imagine this scenario?

"My child just died. FML."
"I just lost a limb. FML"
"I just got raped and killed. FML."

Call me crazy, I don't think those situations are really the correct place to be using "FML"

FML is the laptop keyboard, cellphone touch screen, text-speak version of "facepalming" in real life. Its a way to express "are you fucking kidding me?" without actually saying "are you fucking kidding me?" Its a way to quickly say, "God life really sucks sometimes but I'll get through this" without going into detail. Its a way to vent without being offensive.

Unless the person reading your FML starts criticizing you for using FML then I really want to FML for listening to a person like you.

If you don't want to use FML, fine. Don't. Please! But, for the love of God, don't deter someone from using humor to express themselves or aggravate someone else's frustrations by wagging an eFinger at them to tell them they're doing it wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Reason number 2,112 why you are awesome. Use of "ROFLcopter" in a blog post. You should get paid to blog, just sayin.
