From Left: Laynie (aka @penstone), Addie (@trulyaddie), me and Scott (@ssravp) doing shotskis of Jager last night at the Pittsburgh Tweetup at Hofbrauhaus.
So I was at Hofbrauhaus Pittsburgh from 1pm till Midnight yesterday. It was some serious drinking. I met a slew of great people, got drunk and in trouble, had a blast and a fantastic night. I'm pretty sure our gaggle of tweeters proved last night that if you're a Pens fan on Twitter, you're good people!
Afterwards, I got dropped off praying I wouldn't be too hung over to go to work. I ended up calling off. Not because I was hung over but because I'm an emotional train wreck.
Before you start asking if the beer was really that good, let me tell you about a nightmare I had.
It had to have been around 3:30am. In my dream, I got a text message from the boyfriend. For the life of me, I couldn't tell you what it said but it was horrible, awful and gut-wrenching. I immediately woke up, saw that it was 4am and that I had, in fact, received a text message from the boyfriend about 30 minutes prior. He was asking me if I was still awake. Naturally I answered, "I am now."
He called me not 20 seconds later. What ensued I can only describe as a horrible, awful and gut-wrenching 2 hour long conversation in which we both talked but I'm not sure either of us actually heard what the other was saying. I've been awake since we got off the phone and I'm still not exactly sure what the hell is going on.
We might have broken up.
The way we left it? "I think we both need some time to think and we can talk more later."
So there you have it. Thats the current status of my relationship. I think my head might explode if my heart doesn't first. My stomach is in a knot. My head is killing me. My heart and mind are racing.
Even this Bruins/Rangers game isn't helping me sleep. What a crappy match up. This is apparently NBC's version of the Battle of the Douchebags.
I bet Avery wins.
Anyway, I've texted the boyfriend(?) twice. Once at 7:30ish to tell him I love him and again at 11:30 to tell him I'd called off and I'd like to see him. I haven't received a response. Karma has inserted it's icy cold hand into my chest, ripped out my heart and has shown me how black it is.
Cliff's Notes Version: I am miserable.
You do not have a black heart. I have nothing but faith that you will be happy. Try and be less miserable. We all like it better when you're not.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Scotty. I'm sure come what may, I'll be all right eventually. Urgh!
ReplyDeletei know the miserable thing you're feeling. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you. i can only ask that you do the same for me.
ReplyDeleteNothing that a good chat couldn't fix. Hopefully your issues are as easily remedied as mine were.
Much love and good luck to you!