So here's the update: nothing's going on! Woo! Instead, I'm posting these 2 new pictures of me... exciting!
Work's gotten a lot better. The old boss getting the axe has provided room for new management to step in and start correcting a lot of old problems. He actually knows how to run a front desk. Unheard of! I've put my name in for a promotion and I'm up for review next month so I'll be getting a raise either way... the difference between the two, I'm sure, is about $3.
This city underpays its front desk people hard core. There's no way I'm getting paid competitively.
I've gone ahead and submitted my resume to a different property that's looking for a Front Desk Manager. I've never supervised a desk but somehow I think I could keep a 200 room property totally under control, meaning I don't think I'd burn it down or anything. Also the income would help since I really want to save up to be able to afford life's luxuries like new furniture, TV, computer, bed and whatever.
I've been home for almost a year, its time to get my ass in gear with this shit.
I started a new blog about working at a hotel's front desk. There's 1 whole entry so far. It'll totally be a famous book one day. Anyone that's ever worked at a front desk should contribute. Email me at jlmathieson@gmail.com with ideas, tips, anecdotes or really anything at all regarding staying at a hotel, working at a hotel... anything hotel related. Hey thanks!
The 4th of July came and went: I made cupcakes.

Micheal Jackson died. The world went on.
Regarding the personal life, my hot-as-balls boyfriend and I have been dating now for about 6 and a half months and officially a couple for about 5! Time flies. We went to Crepes Parisienne for lunch today then to the Pittsburgh Zoo. I didn't take any pictures of our crepes (tho they were super yummy!) but I went kinda crazy at the zoo.

Ever seen a baby elephant? I hadn't either till today. She was super cute and kept stealing hay out of mommy's mouth and trunk while she was trying to eat.

The Pittsburgh Zoo offers a mini petting zoo featuring the local species of deer. I'd never seen a fawn close up before but really... how cute! My hot-as-balls boyfriend thought so too!
The Pittsburgh Zoo actually offered a litany of baby animals: elephants, deer, beavers, sea lions, river otters and the coolest baby orangutan ever!
The other pictures I took didn't exactly come out perfectly so I'll have to do some cutting, cropping and resizing before I put them up. I heard a for real lion roar today too. They say you can hear it up to 5 miles away and yeah... I buy that. Its crazy!
Its 12:30 right now. I should probably go ahead and call off work. As great a day as I had today, it was semi-wrecked by a splitting headache which I haven't been able to shake since this morning. Naps, medicine and even a long, hot shower didn't cure it so I guess its a totally great idea that I'm still up and typing at the computer, right?Anyway, there's the update. Hopefully, I'll be a little more diligent about updating again in the future.