After clocking out, I immediately changed my clothes and headed up to meet my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend outside the employee entrance since we had very serious plans to go over to the Market Square Primanti Bros. Approaching the door, I happened to see a familiar face through the window.
It was my hotel's wedding coordinator...
At first, I was thrilled to see him. Thirty seconds later, as I was hugging him hello, I realized I was there with my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend who also happens to work at the hotel. I started to feel a little awkward. I don't mind being seen in public with my amazin

My concerns, however, were assuaged when Mr Marriage started jackin' me about going on vacation at the same time a certain PM Supervisor was going on vacation... and that said PM Supervisor and I were coincidentally going to the same place for the same dates. I told him to shut up and drink his Yeungling.
Anyway, since the Market Square Primanti Bros. was trying to close since I got there, they weren't serving food anymore. Our party of 4 (Jen Cubed was there with Mr Marriage) ended up rolling outside to share a quick cigarette and to finish our beers (mostly because we got kicked out at 12:30). My Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend and I were still STARVING and we had shown up at Primanti Bros. because we wanted a damn sandwich. There was only one way to solve this: Smallman Street.
Two Primantis, One Night. Its not the makings of a gross internet porno but it was definitely delish. Try the Cappicola and Cheese for $5.99, please! So good!
Tonight is Game 5 of the Stanley Cup Finals. So far the Malkin in the Middle tshirt is 2 for 2 when wearing it on game day so I'm definitely wearing it over to the bar tonight. I might have the opportunity to spill some IC Light or Yeungling on it too. This is just going to depend on whether or not my stomache's going to be able to recover from all the Yeungling, Cappicola, Cheese, fries (no slaw for me thanks) Yeungling and Yeungling from last night. Not to mention the Soy Caramel Machiatto from this morning (thanks Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend for the Starbucks run after the sleepover at his place last night. wink wink).
I'm down to 6 days before I get to see Gwenie in Burgettstown. I found out last night at Primanti's that Jen Cubed (aka a 3rd Jen in my life OMG!) got a lawn ticket so we're probably going to hook up and drink in the lot while the Sounds and Paramore are on stage then I'll sneak down to my pit seats while the roadies are setting up No Doubt's stage. I've tried to warn my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend that I'm going to be a mess for this show. I'm not planning on getting totally wasted but I am planning on drinking... and well--seeing Gwen, I'm totally going to cry and hyperventilate and be "that fan."
Most consuming thought I have right now: Wearing Sweet Escape tshirt to No doubt Concert... sacrilege? I'm thinking maybe...
Lastly, I am worth being flamed according to some anonymous people out there (see the comments on the linked post). Thank you, A Nonymous, for your passionate hate. They say bad publicity is still good publicity... comments on a no name blog work the same way--still surprised someone's reading.
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