Not sick in a figurative way but in a literal way. Remember back in late March and early April when I died? Yeah, its that kind of sick again. The Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend (yes he's still around cuz he's fucking awesome) texted me earlier saying that I have some goodies and spoiling to look forward to tomorrow. Ooh! I like both goodies and being spoiled. Sounds like this is right up my ally.
Lets see what all needs to be caught up on:
Work: The G-20 was a J-Joke. 4 months of preparation for 2 nights of absolutely nothing going on downtown except some Pitt students running around like idiots and then realizing, "oh LOL look I'm 18 and mom and dad aren't here to clean this up for me... uh... shit what do I do? Oh... I know!
No asshole, fuck you. You came in here from small town Akron, OH to study psychology and when classes started at the end of August, you heard that there was about to be a meeting of the world's leaders close by. You instantly wanted a chance to tell your kids one day that you took part in a protest, you wanted to stand up for something but you're not sure what exactly so you just decided to go up to Shadyside and throw a rock at a Boston Market's front window. Why? Cuz FUCK Boston, you didn't get into Harvard! Right??
Then you decided to screw w/ Pamela's. That's how we know you're from out of town. No one from Pittsburgh would mess with Pamela's. Quit crying about your constitutional rights. When you showed up on the scene without an exit strategy, you forfeited your constitutional rights...
Let this be a lesson to you, Mr Smarter-Than-Thou-University-Student: you ALWAYS need an exit strategy. You're going to Pitt ffs; if the cops show up when you're underage drinking, you need an exit strategy. If her boyfriend shows up with you standing naked in her closet, you need an exit strategy. If the assembly turns out to be illegal because the smart ass that organized it forgot to get a permit, you need an exit strategy.
I'm glad you got shot with a rubber bullet, even if you're an innocent bystander. You shouldn't have been down there anyway.
Here's a picture of the guy that wins The Pittsburgh Summit:

That's an old Magnificent Mario jersey, you feeble-minded Non-Yinzers. This picture pretty much sums up why I love everything about this city.
That and reports that during gatherings, protests and demonstrations on Saturday, a bunch of Yinzers loaded up their paintball guns with black and yellow paintballs and went looking for some Wannabe Anarchists. Get fucked ResistG20. You're in Steel City.
Why G20 falls under the category of work is simple: I work downtown. My hotel housed delegations from France, Turkey and Germany. All the stereotypes are delightfully true. The secret service was ridiculously awesome.
I heard on WPXI this afternoon some facts and figures regarding how much money the city made vs spent vs how much the repair work would cost to get the city's windows back in working order. I don't remember actual numbers (because I was on 2hrs of sleep and cold medicine) but I can say that they were impressive and very large. All in all, this was a great event for Pittsburgh and I'm glad to have been a part of it on a very small level.
Boyfriend: As previously stated, he's fucking awesome. He just bought a house which he's letting me decorate. I've been getting a lot of the "Ooh! Are you moving in?" questions lately. Answer: I don't know, I don't think so... Ours is a relationship where things are sort of assumed. He keeps me around so I assume he still likes me. I'm not complaining so he assumes I'm happy. If there was a real problem, we'd each bring it up to the other.
Don't get me wrong, I am happy. He's pretty much the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd just like to have the reassurance that I'm awesome. Even though I know I'm awesome, I want to know he thinks so too.
The point here was that if I'm moving in, it would just sort of happen over time. My clothes would just migrate over to his house. I can't imagine him ever coming up to me and saying, "Hey Jen, I was thinking... do you want to move in?"
His house is super cool mode too. It's got a koi pond! I need to start studying HGTV more.
We watch Adult Swim together and he gets really excited when Squidbillies comes on. I don't get that show... I'm much more of a Robot Chicken girl.
Sports: Summer's over which means that there's no more Pirate games to agonize over. Good! I got 2 tshirts from PNC Park for the 2 games I went to this year. That and a hot dog are about the most I'm willing to contribute to that franchise from now on... and now that I have the tshirts all future games I go to, I'll just be contributing the hot dog. Christ, the Buccos are SO bad. I hate them.
Its football season now, though you'd never know it by the Steelers' stellar record of 1 and 2... I just hope the boys are able to get their shit together against the Chargers this weekend. Losing to the Bears and the Bengals is an embarrassment. A quote from Major League II comes to mind:
Replace "win" with "lose" and I think you see what I'm getting at here."Ok guys, we've won 2 games in a row. If we win tonight, that's called a winning streak. It HAS happened before."
Friday is the Pens opening night and thank GOD for it. Its been a long 3 months without hockey. We're opening against the Rangers on Friday down at the Igloo. I'm stuck downtown for a few hours so I'm contemplating making a trip to the TribTron to watch the banner raising with 5000 of my friends/fellow fans. I just got my new Fleury jersey in the mail so I'm definitely wearing it to ring in the new season. Things like these are a big deal in these parts... you gotta dress up. My Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend can't make it so I'm looking for a "date" since I don't wanna go alone.
In the meantime, I'm gonna crawl back into bed, watch Home Movies on Adult Swim and drift off to sleep... its the little things, folks. The little things. Plus I gotta clean the place up before the Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend shows up to spoil me tomorrow.
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