I made almond milk today, check it out!

After giving it a sneak peek taste, I can't complain. Its not bad at all. The recipe was so easy a front desk clerk could do it (har) and its my first real attempt at a pseudo-Raw lifestyle. Here's the recipe I used:
1 cup sprouted almonds
3 cups water
1 T organic honey
blend until smooth, strain and chill.
Hard stuff here. Now I'm left with a ton of pulp and no idea what I should do with it. I found a few online recipes about how to use the pulp to create a nut flour to use in cakes, etc but... since I don't have a dehydrator, this is becoming kind of a headache. Maybe I'll just throw it into a banana nut bread recipe I have with a few less walnuts and call it square. Woo! Banana Nut Bread.
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