Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reason # 322 My Boyfriend is Fucking AWESOME!

Quick update before work.

Yesterday a man walked through my lobby. He was wearing the most amazing Pens tshirt I'd ever seen.

It was a perfect shade of yellow with caricatures of Sidney Crosby, Geno Malkin and Marc-Andre Fleury on the front with the caption "MALKIN IN THE MIDDLE." Anything with Flower on it is instantly a favorite (how amazing is Fleury's nickname btw) but this tshirt was top shelf. I immediately stopped the man by yelling at him and asked where he got this incredible piece of fanware.

"One of the Buccos street vendors over there on the Clemente Bridge n'at," replied the man in one of the thicker accents I'd heard in a while.

For the next 6 hours, I fixated on this shirt. I had to have it. I was telling everyone about it, even my new manager, The Guy With the Awesome Name. Since he and his wife were headed over to PNC for SkyBlast last night, he told me he'd look around for it and if I had cash, he'd definitely make the purchase and bring it back before they went to the park.

By the grace of God (and my new manager, the Guy With the Awesome Name but thats another story completely), I had cash on me! I gave him $20 and sent him on his way.

He came back dressed in jeans and a Bucco's t-shirt with a sad look on his face, "They weren't over there," he reported and handed me my money back. "But I've seen those shirts before and yeah they're awesome so I think you should check out the Strip tomorrow morning. You'll probably find them there!"

What a terrific idea, Mr. Awesome Name! I just might do that. Only problem was, I had no way to get to the strip early. Frustrated, I headed home for the night.

Fast-forwarding to after the Pens game, my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend called to say good night. I barely remembered what his voice sounded like because I hadn't spoken to him in forever so we ended up talking for about 90 minutes (thats an hour and a half for those of you keeping score). Catching up on talking about work and life, the universe and everything, I mentioned the Mr. Awesome Name/Shirt story.

My Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend definitely agreed that Mr Awesome Name does indeed have an Awesome Name and that I was equally awesome for sending my manager to go look for a tshirt for me. Additionally, my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend was equally bummed that I was not able to obtain a tshirt for myself during this story.

Long story short (oh look its too late): I got a text from my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend this morning around 10:20am containing the following picture.

I might have a huge crush on Marc-Andre Fleury (that I refuse to admit to anyone btw) but I don't think that Flower would be going out of his way to go to the Strip District at 10am to find me an $8 tshirt.

I have the BEST boyfriend in the world and this is just another reason why my boyfriend is better than your boyfriend.

Also, I was supposed to be off today. Since my management team has been working 12 hour shifts, I agreed to let both of them take the day off and come in when one of my coworkers called off for tonight. Yay team players!

I tried to find a clip on youtube from Clerks of Dante crying, "I'm not even supposed to be here today" but apparently thats a hard find, which is sort of suprising considering he says it in every scene. Instead, here's a runner up: Jay and Silent Bob!!