OMG its Jen!
Okokok seriously though--take a look at the URL: yep, I'm totally official now! What used to be is is now totally www.omgitsjen.comThis is basically because I'm cool as hell. How the domain was actually available, I have no idea but I'm guessing I totally sniped it. Even if I didn't, I'm going to make up a story that involves me sniping the domain because it makes me feel like an internet badass.
I also changed my twitter feed from @poeticpisces to @omgitsjen... this actually was kind of stolen since @omgitsjen was already in use by another Jennifer somewhere in Houston, Texas but when she realized that a Jennifer in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was in need, she surrendered the name and allowed me to claim it as my own.
She's now @JtotheMack and she will have next #followfriday dedicated to her (keep in mind that I've never participated in a #followfriday and in fact vowed to never participate in #followfriday but I think something and someone this cool definitely needs some hard core recognition). So... speaking of Elle Wood's Snap Cup:
I'm giving snaps to @JtotheMack for recognizing that I'm a perfect stranger and surrendering her identity to someone who's planning on using it to take over the world!

I miss hockey!
Usually three word domains aren't registered at all. Popular domains are usually 5 characters or less. Grats though, I actually recently petitioned to have my twitter feed changed from J1M0 to Jimo because the person with Jimo has been inactive for god knows how long.
ReplyDeleteDid you just threaten to crush Twitter or what?