This is Bob.

Actually, I think he was giving me the finger but I don't remember why so I'm just using the Capitals as a scapegoat since all I've learned from watching them play is how to make excuses.
Since I'm pissed off at hockey due to the disappointments of the last 24hrs (ie the Pens going to a 7th game vs the Capitals and the Canucks getting eliminated by the Blackhawks...), I decided to take a day off from the sport and chill with my hot-as-balls boyfriend instead.
The day started off good enough. I got a new pair of shoes (or two) and had a solid lunch then retired to my hot-as-balls boyfriend's apartment for some surprise sex. He asked me if I wanted to go to the Pirates game and not being a girl that likes to pass up a chance to watch an emo guy play centerfield, I totally agreed.
Unfortunately for my anti-hockey state of mind, we started listening to Mark Madden on 105.9 ("Ze Eeeeexe") on the way to PNC Park and listened to him back Fleury for being an awesome goalie (cuz it's true) and basically rehash the pain of last night.
As a quick side note here: Why to Pittsburgh sports fans call Mark Madden when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I like Mark Madden because he's an asshole that doesn't hold anything back. He'll call you out for being an idiot if your opinion is based on either lack of knowledge or just plain stupidity. He gets some bad reviews from a couple of my friends but he's fun to listen to, he knows what he's talking about and I like the music he plays. So fuck you!

My hot-as-balls boyfriend decided to go for a new jersey as well. To the left, you see him sporting some sweet banana yellow. What you don't see is "Clemente 21" on the back. What you also don't see is the huge pile of cheesy fries the geezer behind him has in his hand which is why he's looking so happy! (Edit: WOOOOOW! What you ALSO don't see unless you click on the picture to blow it up to its real size is my fucking tits reflected in my boyfriend's sunglasses... Oh well, there's your pic of my new long sleeved T!)
We got baseline seats from a promotion I gave to my hot-as-balls boyfriend for his birthday last Friday which he wasn't expecting. I told him a couple different times that we'd have sweet baseline seats but he either didn't believe me or just ignored it. When we finally sat down to look at this:

He kept saying, "Oh my God! Oh my God! These are great seats. Thank you!" which made me feel good but I was also quite amused by how excited he was to be at his first baseball game in 2 years (the seats filled up before the 2nd inning). Check out some Before and After pix here.
Before he saw where we were sitting:
See how much happier he is. :)
Before he saw where we were sitting:

Here's some other pictures I took at the game (cuz its interesting):
This guy is probably the coolest guy at the park. He's a Security Guy/Usher named Phillip C. who works tirelessly and endlessly to escort people to their seats and yell at idiot drunks to tell them to quit throwing popcorn and tell the guy who nearly knocks over 5 year olds that their assholes for not giving the kid the foul ball they just caught. He also drinks lemonade out of a dixie cup while watching the game from right behind our seats. He's basically the biggest baller in the city. I. Love. Phillip. C!
Speaking of Lemonade, I learned a valuable piece of Pittsburgh Trivia tonight. Did you know that Mellon Arena's Cotton Candy Man, seen here:
Is the SAME dude that sells "Lemonade Here" at PNC Park?
If you listen closely, you can hear more than just my boyfriend mentioning "Cotton Candy" as he goes by too. I can't help but wonder a) why PNC Park doesn't have him selling Cotton Candy during Pirates games and b) if this guy knows that he's a Pittsburgh Icon.
This guy's so fucking huge to Pittsburgh sports fans that they text 28226 to send text messages to the boards at PNC Park, dedicating texts of 40 characters or less to him. "Lemonade Here!" and "Cooootton Caaandy!" were seen more than once between innings.
Finally, here's a picture of the guy that's got my dream job:

It dawned on me that in order to even try out to be Iceburgh at Penguin games, I'd have to learn to skate because I'm pretty sure Iceburgh skates. That's so fucking lame!
Surprisingly, the Pirates actually won tonight beating the Cardinals with a final score of 7 to 1. LaRoche didn't suck tonight to show off his HR skillz and ditto Brandon Moss.

Tomorrow is another Great Day for Hockey. I get off work at 7:30pm... just in time to see the puck drop in Washington. There's no living with me for the next 48hrs!

Is the SAME dude that sells "Lemonade Here" at PNC Park?
If you listen closely, you can hear more than just my boyfriend mentioning "Cotton Candy" as he goes by too. I can't help but wonder a) why PNC Park doesn't have him selling Cotton Candy during Pirates games and b) if this guy knows that he's a Pittsburgh Icon.
This guy's so fucking huge to Pittsburgh sports fans that they text 28226 to send text messages to the boards at PNC Park, dedicating texts of 40 characters or less to him. "Lemonade Here!" and "Cooootton Caaandy!" were seen more than once between innings.
Finally, here's a picture of the guy that's got my dream job:

It dawned on me that in order to even try out to be Iceburgh at Penguin games, I'd have to learn to skate because I'm pretty sure Iceburgh skates. That's so fucking lame!
Surprisingly, the Pirates actually won tonight beating the Cardinals with a final score of 7 to 1. LaRoche didn't suck tonight to show off his HR skillz and ditto Brandon Moss.
At the bottom of the 6th, my boyfriend and I heard some guy scream, "We're FUCKED!" Which was pretty amazing in itself. We turned around and happened to see these two guys wearing their Rally Caps:

Tomorrow is another Great Day for Hockey. I get off work at 7:30pm... just in time to see the puck drop in Washington. There's no living with me for the next 48hrs!
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