I felt dirty just for walking in.
I received the expected welcome upon crossing the threshold, its like the greeter knew I had just bashed her and her store on the oh-so-serious internet. The associate glanced up, we made eye contact, she looked me up and down then went back to folding panties (truthfully, it served as a wake up call for me as I totally didn't realize I was such a hot fucking mess that panty-folding took priority over helping me. Although, I will say this: her waist may have been tinier than mine but uh... my hair, clothes and accessories were way better then her's. BOOYAH BITCH!).
Anyway, after wandering around the front of the store for 30 seconds waiting for her to greet me, I decided to risk interrupting her focused-folding to ask her about the email I got. She was very gracious by rolling her eyes and pointing at a wall on the other side of the room.
Feeling demeaned and hating myself for going back on my word, I maneuvered around nighties and panties and bras and women. By doing so, I spotted another rack with a sign:

Oh! Well honestly, this is exactly what I was looking for. They were prepackaged in sets of nude and black or nude and white. I picked up my 36D treasure and got the hell out of there...
It just so happened to cross my mind that I had positively fallen in love with VSPINK's scent of Warm & Cozy. Its everything that's good in the world. When I first bought the body spray in December though, Vicki's was out of stock on the lotion so I decided to pick up the lotion while I was there... and they were having a 2 for $20 deal so what the hell, I may as well pick up the "Twinkled PINK Warm & Cozy Shimmering Fragrance Rollerball" because I'm an asshole that loves glitter even though I'll be 29 in 7 days.
All in all, I walked out with a new definition of the word "Devil."
[dev-uhl] –noun
a.(sometimes initial capital letter) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan.
b. a subordinate evil spirit at enmity with God, and having power to afflict humans both with bodily disease and with spiritual corruption.
2. an atrociously wicked, cruel, or ill-tempered person.
3. a person who is very clever, energetic, reckless, or mischievous.
4. a person, usually one in unfortunate or pitiable circumstances: The poor devil kept losing jobs through no fault of his own.
5. any of various portable furnaces or braziers used in construction and foundry work.
6. the devil, (used as an emphatic expletive or mild oath to express disgust, anger, astonishment, negation, etc.): What the devil do you mean by that?
7. Victoria's Secret.
a.(sometimes initial capital letter) the supreme spirit of evil; Satan.
b. a subordinate evil spirit at enmity with God, and having power to afflict humans both with bodily disease and with spiritual corruption.
2. an atrociously wicked, cruel, or ill-tempered person.
3. a person who is very clever, energetic, reckless, or mischievous.
4. a person, usually one in unfortunate or pitiable circumstances: The poor devil kept losing jobs through no fault of his own.
5. any of various portable furnaces or braziers used in construction and foundry work.
6. the devil, (used as an emphatic expletive or mild oath to express disgust, anger, astonishment, negation, etc.): What the devil do you mean by that?
7. Victoria's Secret.
So... yes. That definition is in Websters. This is all true.
Anyway, I had a long talk with El Boyfrienderino last week.
God, he's so awesome!
Even when we disagree about things, its still not all that bad. I finally told him where I was coming from with the whole moving in thing and the house thing and the commitment thing and blah blah blah and I'll tell you... it felt really great!
I cried and all that but at the end of the day it felt really good to cohesively get out in the open what I'd been thinking for a few months. And at the end of the night, we agreed: we love each other and don't want to end our relationship.
BAM! Thats a great starting point if you ask me. :)
So, I spent 3 days with him at his house and I cooked and cleaned (well I tried to clean, he's so tidy that I didn't need to clean). We went out and enjoyed our Stay-cation together and stayed at home and watched the Olympics and talked shit about Marty Brodeur together. Then he texted me when he said he would and he even called me to say good night last night which I wasn't expecting at all.
These are all just reasons that my boyfriend is better than your boyfriend. WOO!
Speaking of Hockey and the Olympics and Marty Brodeur: did you SEE that US/Canada last night?! If you didn't, oh dear Reader, whatthefuck is the matter with you?!
Here's a picture of Marty:

When questioned, Mike Babcock was quoted as saying, "Bruce Boudreau recommended we head to KFC before each game but McDonald's is a sponsor. We have to remember which side our bread is buttered on. Besides, Marty likes those little apple pies."
When asked about Brodeur's energy level and if alternate goalies Roberto Luongo or Marc-Andre Fleury would make an appearance Babcock looked blankly at reporters for a moment then said, "Oh! Fleury! Well... Marty's been doing great and we have no plans on putting Fleury in goal because he's too young. You know Fleury IS 4 years younger than Luongo at 25 and even though he's the top of his game right now, Marty has all that experience that a 37 year old brings to the table. And I mean, Luongo DOES play for the Canucks so we'll probably be using him instead."
See, Mike Babcock? It does sound stupid. Get over your Stanley Cup grudge and play Fleury! Its easy for an armchair coach like me to say that Flower wouldn't have allowed 2 goals on 6 shots but I'm thinking that he probably wouldn't have... Also, Ryan Miller's a decent goalie but he's not as great as your team made him look last night. Sid can score on him easily. Maybe he should get more than 15 minutes of ice time. JUST SAYIN'! Woop woop!
In conclusion: Go Team USA hockey. They've proven that they can play better together than the Canadian and Russian teams and deserve their bye night. I'm proud of them... but I still think John Tortorella is a tool.
PS: I JUST found out that Ray Shero had a hand in putting together Team USA Men's Hockey. Had I known this 2 months ago, I would have put money on the US winning gold in this tournament. Sorry, Sid... I love you guy but Daddy Shero has spoken.
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