Three Days.
Three days to do whatever I want. Over a holiday weekend, too. Three days to not worry about hotel policy, guest satisfaction or if room #711's pipes need tightened.
After 8hrs of work and the 5hr nap that immediately followed, I sort of have a Zen feeling now that I'm realizing... I survived Hell Week #3 and I have 3 days off to show for it. Three days off.
IN A ROW!!!!
However, I now face the looming question:
wtf am I going to do with it?
My Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend is going back to work starting tomorrow afternoon so I'm on my own for entertainment. Maybe my friends want to go out drinking? Maybe my cousin is going to the bar for the game tomorrow? Maybe I should just stay home and bask in my freedom while giving the finger to the hospitality industry.
Here's a juicy work-related tidbit: I think my department head got fired. Our GM is currently using the excuse that "She's out sick" but people who are out sick don't get called down to HR then have the director of HR come to pick up their stuff 15-20 minutes later.
We'll see.
If she
did get a pink slip, it'd just figure since we hired a new Front Desk Manager less than a week ago. We can't have the Front Office getting
SATURATED with people to employ now, can we? If we hire 1, we have to fire 1 in order to remain short staffed. Its what the cool kids do. Gosh, I hope I get to work another 6 day work week 2 weeks in a row. Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch...
I got reminded today how awesome my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend is today via a bill from Nevada Power. When I left Vegas, my Ex-Husband insisted that he needed at least some of my final check from New York-New York to pay bills, etc (since he didn't work, btw) .
Surprise: he didn't pay bills with the money I gave him.
Instead he did God knows what with it because today I got a $350 power bill from 9 months ago which is now in collections. Not that its Nevada Power's fault but if my Ex-Husband tells me he's paying the bill with the money I gave him and I don't get any statements from them for 9 months, how am I supposed to know that it needs paid?
I am so glad that I'm out of that relationship. Honestly... what the fuck was I thinking for 7 years? Oh,
thats right... nothing!
LOL What an idiot! Ugh!

Back to the positive: my current boyfriend is 30 levels of amazing. He's sincerely the coolest guy ever. My boyfriend is cooler, hotter, nicer,
awesomer, sweeter, handier, more knowledgeable about everything, better read, better spoken, more intelligent
and a better driver than your boyfriend! I'd say he can do no wrong but you might think I'm out of my mind so instead, I'll just say he doesn't do any wrong. He got me a Coach bag for no reason. No reason just BOOM, "Hey Jen, have a Coach bag. By the way, you're super cute and I like you." The first thing out of his mouth when he picked me up yesterday was, "Wow, your hair looks great!"
I'm telling you, he's Mr. Perfect!
On a serious note, Its such a crazy change to go from hearing all the promises in the world and getting nothing out of any of them to getting few promises but being able to rely 100% on all them being followed through.
Meanwhile, the biggest news in Pittsburgh Internet over the past 24hrs:
PittGirl is back! She's now a columnist for! I'm pretty
geeked though I never read her blog, never even knew its
url or what she wrote about until I read in November that her blog was no more.
I remember reading the article in (what I'm pretty sure was) the
PMTrib and thinking it was a shame that a) I hadn't had the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and b) that she felt she was forced to quit writing. One of our liberties as Americans is Freedom of Speech but this anonymous girl's identity was being threatened so she had to pull the plug on giving her opinion? It just didn't seem right. Why do people always have to know everything? If she doesn't want to be recognized for her writing then why seek her out? Just read it, agree or disagree and move on.
Anyway, the whole idea of "
PittGirl" fascinated me. This anonymous girl who hated Pigeons wrote about everything from politics to... well I don't really know because I never read her blog but the point was that she wasn't afraid to speak her mind.
In November, I was struggling with different issues of going through a divorce and getting reacquainted with myself. I've always loved writing and had wanted to start again but didn't have any stories that seemed worth telling. I was discouraged and depressed. I'd considered blogging but didn't really know what to blog about or where to start.
When I finally sat down to start this blog back in March, I was using the Spaghetti Theory: something would eventually stick. I didn't expect readers (I'm still shocked when anyone

comments or I look at my hit counter). I just wrote. I wrote about nothing and everything but the whole time, I was writing with
PittGirl in the back of my mind and I tried to emulate the sort of attitude that I assumed she'd have when she was writing: Just talk, get it out. If you're thinking it, its worth being said. Say it and don't apologize.
The only difference between she and I was that I couldn't be anonymous. I started out wanting to use an online pen name,
PoeticPisces but it just wasn't me. I'd spent so much time hiding from the world in my marriage and running away from who I am, I decided that I needed to expose at least a little "leg" on this one while respecting the anonymity of the Cast-of-Characters in my life at work and family and friends. Basically, you can know who I am--but I don't want you to know who everyone else is when I talk about them.
Names have been changed to protect the guilty.
Anyway, I'd sent
PittGirl a quick message after reading her first article on thinking that she'd be getting inundated with positive feedback about how happy her real followers were about her return to the
cyberworld. Hell, I didn't even realize I was already following her on Twitter (I'm good at the
internet) but surprise,
@JanePitt ...
that's her. Duh!
Skipping to the end:
PittGirl started following me on Twitter. Its hard to explain what a big deal this is for me since I know literally
nothing about her yet she's had such a huge, positive impact on my life (on and off my blog). I don't want to sound crazy or fanatical but its pretty important to me that she'd even bother replying to one of my tweets earlier tonight. Its like getting acknowledged by your childhood hero.
Ok Listen: when I was walking to Market Square last night with my Hot-as-Balls Boyfriend, an arrogant pigeon crossed my path and refused to give me, the human, the right of way. I'm not going to lie,
PittGirl shot through my mind and I wanted to kick it in order to show it who was boss.