Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Was Too Drunk to Watch the Game

So... the Habs won last night.  Benching Ponikarovsky totally made all the difference, didn't it?
Honestly, I'm pretty ok with it.  Gill was out, Sid scored a goal.  Spacek was in and... well whatever.  You know, its not easy to take a team that's so "deeply steeped in tradition" seriously when their fans boo some of the best players currently the league.
Fathead's is a great place to socialize and drink, especially on a Monday Wing Night, but I will not be going back for a game.  EVER.  There's never any seating for a large part, while there are TV's available but they're small and in limited numbers.  When you've been drinking, its impossible to follow the puck on such a small screen.
Yes, I'm spoiled.
So, all things considered, as soon as Cammelleri scored that first goal, I buried my face in my shot of jager with @OMGitsScottP and @Brian_Metzer and enjoyed my Magic Hat No. 9's in salute to Pascal Dupuis and wasn't heard from again for the rest of the night.
Ok that last bit was a total lie but I quit paying attention to hockey.
I have to work for Game 7 so I won't be be able to watch the boys bring the pain tomorrow night.  I'm not worried, though.  I work near 3 bridges so I'll just have to pick a number: 6, 7 or 9, if the Pens opt to make it difficult on us fans.
On a much more personal note:
Dear Pittsburgh Penguins,
I work in a hotel.  In said hotel, there is a guest.  This guest checked in with me on Sunday night and told me that he, as a Habs fan, was hoping you'd lose the game on Monday because he had tickets for the game on Wednesday night.  I told him, "Sir, there is NO WAY its going to happen."
Well we all know differently now, don't we?
So now, he came rolling in just a few minutes ago with a big smile on his face.  "Jennifer, I get to go to the big game tomorrow!"
So please, for the Love of Badger Bob, please!  Give me a reason to celebrate when this guy comes strolling back in after the game tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. 1) Jager is deilicios 2)Yes, Fatheads is off the list of places to watch a game. 3) Jager is delicious. 4) To paraphrase Badger Bob, they let you lose three in a series, just don't lose more than that.
