Mercury: The Planet, its not usually this evil.
I'm superstitious.
If you know me, you also know that I believe in astrology. So seeing me start a new job during a Mercury Retrograde, though precedented, is probably surprising.
The last job I started during a Mercury Retrograde was at New York-New York Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. It was a great job, I enjoyed the work I did but the supervisory position I was supposed to be groomed for ended up getting eliminated due to the economic downturn, my department was merged with Yield Revenue and my job responsibilities got completely redefined. Not that I disagreed or could help anything that happened at NYNY, it just wasn't at all what I expected.
With that in mind, when my new position here in Pittsburgh was offered to me recently, it made me pause. I have past experience going against my belief of starting anything during a Mercury Retrograde. I was next to desperate in my current job and really wanted a new, fresh start. Also the new property seemed to be almost too good to be true...
And you know what they say... it probably is.
My first few days have been great but I can't help but wonder how long will it last. During a Mercury Retrograde, everything is definitely not as it seems.
For anyone that's ever heard me talk about Mercury's Retrograde before and thought that I was insane, I found a perfect explanation of the phenomenon in Part 3, Chapter 12, page 187 of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Astrology, 4th Edition. Below is Madeline Gerwick-Brodeur and Lisa Lenard's explanation of Mercury's Retrograde and why it would drive people like me and those I work with totally bonkers.
Mercury Retrograde: Crossed Wires
The purpose of Mercury retrograde is to encourage us to back up and catch up, to redo things that didn't get done the first time-or were done incorrectly-instead of constantly pushing forward. But it also can mean that expression becomes difficult, that we have trouble communicating through words or, worse, through other methods of communication, like e-mail or telephones.
During Mercury retrograde, Mercury is at its closest to Earth. This is its most intense position; because this energy is 'in our face,' we're forced to deal with things we've glossed over, forgotten, or done wrong. Retrograde Mercury is not 'bad' or 'good'; its a change in Mercury's energy. Being aware of it can help you avoid costly mistakes or unnecessary misunderstandings.
Transiting Mercury Retrograde
Because it's the ruler of transportation, when Mercury is retrograde, there are more car breakdowns, traffic mess-ups, and airline delays, and travel often has some unexpected and unpleasant surprises. Rental cars might not be ready or available, or hotel reservations might not have been made or kept. Your baggage might not even show up.
Transiting Mercury retrograde occurs three times every year for about 3 weeks each time, affecting everyone. This can signal everything from software and computer problems to packages not arriving. In projects requiring communication, signals can seem 'crossed,' or misunderstandings can occur, and there can be missed appointments and schedule delays as well.
But look on the bright side! Transiting Mercury retrograde gives us 3 weeks, three times a year, to go back to projects and situations so we can finish or redo them. Retrogrades always indicate the need to complete or return to something to improve upon the original work. These times are great opportunities to change or correct things you missed. And because you know transiting Mercury retrograde affects communication and transportation, take the extra effort to confirm appointments, project details, and travel plans.
It's a sticky business. If you're hyper sensitive to your surroundings like I am, you've probably felt it over the past few weeks. Its a sort of, "Something's Off" feeling that you can't quite put your finger on.
You're not going crazy, its Mercury's Retrograde.
If you've lost emails, had your texts go crazy or got frustrated because FourSquare's been down, its not a coincidence, its Mercury Retrograde. If someone from your past has reached out to you lately, its Mercury Retrograde. If your bank over drafted you for no reason, its Mercury Retrograde. If you've been arguing with a partner or significant other a lot lately, it's Mercury Retrograde.
Click here for an article on how each Sign responds to retrograde Mercury.
Great post! This would seem to explain the problems I've had with my bank account recently.