Monday, April 20, 2009

FYI: I'm Renaming My Blog... With Your Help!

If you've seen my Tweets recently regarding renaming my blog, I'm not joking. I need to rename this thing b/c I'm getting disgusted with my own lack of creativity. So here it is: If you think of a name, especially a bad one, comment on this entry. If I get enough (which I'm lol'g at the thought of even getting one) then I'll put it to a vote by utilizing Blogger's handy dandy poll system here. The prize? Bragging rights on naming the awesomest blog in the city... or something else, fuck I don't know! Just help me!

Its exciting stuff.

Basically, I'm begging you people for help. Please! Pretty please! I'm not above pulling the ihazacheezburger crew...

You made me do this!

PS Spoke to Boy earlier, everything's fine. I'm just an emotional puddle of retard sometimes and yesterday was one of those times. Watching the game w/ him tomorrow but dunno where. Yay! Lets Go Pens!


  1. I think it's a great name. I wouldn't change it.

  2. Don't change the name.

  3. You guys srsly drive a hard bargin here...

  4. although i like the name, too, i like a good mental and creative challenge. i will get back to you with a bunch of good ones, i promise. lol!!
