Monday, April 20, 2009

Ze Flow-aire Blooms at Midnight in Mexico on Twitter While Reading Horoscopes and Doing Yoga Listening to Gwen Stefani

I am officially 1 pill away from finally finishing my regimen of antibiotics. God, I'm so happy! I haven't felt this good in months, literally... months (aside from the wretched side effects of taking antibiotics)!

I think its because of these past few months of misery that I'm finally inspired to start getting my shit together and start working on the whole diet/get in shape girl crap for summer. I'd like to equally consider that I'm interested in learning beginners yoga because I'm interested in the health of both my body and mind.

That last paragraph was a bunch of bullshit but I'm going to stick with it anyway. I've been wanting to learn yoga for years now but never had the opportunity. My recent inspiration to look into yoga was actually the grumpiest guest I've ever spoken to (she was looking for a listing of local yoga studios, the closest of which that offered classes on a Sunday in Pittsburgh was on East Carson and well... she went all kinds of crazy, anyway that's not the point here. The point is) if yoga makes me grumpy, I don't know if I'm interested in it at all. But if it will align my chakras and assist me in finding enlightenment or at least how I can put both my feet behind my head for a special night with my hot-as-balls boyfriend, count me in!

My only trick now is to locate a local gym that offers yoga at a time that's convenient for me to attend (namely, when I'm not beating myself over the head with a crazy work schedule). Naturally, I don't think this is going to happen any time soon so I might have to do weight training too... which I hate! I never know if I'm doing it right. Am I using too much weight, how many reps are enough? Its so dumb. There's too many rules and I hate feeling like I'm doing it all wrong.

Also, I got my Fleury jersey yesterday! :)

Just in time for him to allow 6 goals last night against the Flyers! :( Oh, the first 2 of which were in the first 6 minutes of the game. Oh Marc-Andre! I'm certainly not a hockey pro! I'm still trying to find The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey at Barnes & Noble but it just didn't seem to work very well last night... at all! And I'm wearing his jersey! ZE FLOW-AIRE VAZ NOT ZO MOSH EN BLOOME! ZE FLOW-AIRE VILTED!!!

That said, I love Marc-Andre Fleury! Additionally, I'm going to go to Michael's to get some silk daisies to wear in my hair so I can be a "Flower Child" when I watch his games. As far as I know, this was my idea and I'm a genius!

My TweetDeck is failing more than a whale being carried by birds to the safety of land. @Ev announced today that Twitter's recent crappiness wasn't because of @aplusk or @Oprah. It was because of their crappy programming and website. Good to know!

Hey! Speaking of @Oprah, lets check on her followers now that its been a few days. BRB!

BACK! 397,854. Not bad but not as good as I'd expected from a ringer like Oprah!

Speaking of Twitter, Rick Sanchez of CNN has taken to tweeting in Spanish. That's cool... only I don't speak Spanish.

To clarify: I have no problem with people of other cultures speaking other languages at all, hell I'm used to it and enjoy listening to a certain extent because I'm fascinated with communication and language. When my Mexican friends in Vegas would start excluding me from their conversations at lunch, I wasn't necessarily offended--I just felt like that part of the conversation didn't pertain to me and it gave me the option to take a break from the conversation itself, a nice excuse to zone out for a minute. My ears would, however, would perk up if I heard them mention "weda."

However, if you're a news anchor for an acclaimed news network like CNN, isn't it sort of rude to exclude an entire culture on a public forum when you address them in a language they don't speak? Sure, he's Hispanic but he clearly knows that his audience isn't all Spanish-speaking because he's in the US and his audience is fully American, meaning we speak English too... (and we spoke it first??? I guess I forgot to push 1 for English on my Twitter page. OOOooooooh!! I went there!)

I hope its only been because I've been sick for nearly 3 months that I've lost my edge. I was totally high on life back in January. I owned my life, I didn't let it own me. Now, things seem a little different. I feel like I'm taking a backseat to my life instead of vice versa. I don't like being in the backseat, there's no leg room back there. Also: I think my hot-as-balls boyfriend is mad at me.

See, this is what I'm saying... 3 months ago, I wouldn't have given a fuck but now that I'm all gaga over stuff, shit's gotta be all sorts of complicated and difficult and hard and drive me crazy.

Maybe I just did my hair too tightly today but I really did feel like I had a headache for most of the day. Maybe if I wear it down tomorrow, I'll get myself into a more solid perspective so I can be SuperGirl and take on the world again.

My horoscope today was pretty dead on:

Pisces Horoscopes

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Monday, Apr 20th, 2009 -- You won't be able to hide your true intentions today and this can make you feel unsafe. Being so vulnerable might not be easy, yet your fears may be worse than the actual danger. Instead of wasting energy trying to build a protective wall around yourself, put your attention to building your self-esteem so it doesn't matter if others can see through your veneer. Your integrity is your best safeguard and can all but guarantee your security now.

That last bit about building up my self-esteem is pretty hard core and dead on. So I tried today and my day definitely got a little better. My boy definitely sort of ignored me so I'm such a headcase that I think he's mad at me now. I am 12, btw.

You know what!!! Fuck this! There are 2 really great quotes that I'm reminded of right now! First:

"Well-behaved Women Rarely Make History"
-Laurel Thatcher Urlich, Historian & 1991 Pulitzer Prize Winner.

"Fuck you, I'm a girl!"
-Gwen Stefani, Singer/Songwriter and She-Who-Stole-My-Life

I'm gonna go fuck some shit up... Just not tonight... I have to work in the morning.

God damn that hotel!

Okokokok! Maybe I will go out tonight after all!

PS: The title of this blog is the best thing EVER!!!!!!


  1. Beautiful city scape. I love it. Rick Sanchez usually tweets same message in Spanish & English.
    Go penguins. sure you will look great in Fleury jersey

    Look forward to future blogs.


  2. never posted a comment before but I'm intrigued by your quick wit and penchant for technology :).
    RE: yoga. Mom and I gave it a shot a while ago back in Cleveland, but had the sheer luck of being in the same class as the yoga version of The Culps from SNL.

  3. omg are those the 2 A-holes that chew gum? I LOVE Kristen Wiig! Can't wait to see Adventureland!

  4. Get rid of that jersey, you are starting a bad jinx for your team.

  5. in rick's defense, he does his bit on cnn en espanol and i think he tweets in spanish exclusively when he's trying to get the hispanic perspective. in particular, the last time he did this he was asking about the relationship with cuba, should we lift the embargo, should we at least be open to diplomatic talks with raul castro. no doubt he was trying to get the cuban/cuban-american perspective, which i totally missed out on giving, btw, but it's the same stuff he asked days prior in english for his 3:00 segment. haha. so, don't feel left out.

  6. @Anonymous, I took it off after the 1st period of Game 6. Max got into a fight, its nothing to do with my jersey or how fucking sweet it is!!

    @Mo and Gypsy and Krista, thanks and I <3u guys!
