Saturday, April 25, 2009

Reason #473 That My Boyfriend Is Fucking Awesome

Here's a picture of my new wristlet. Isn't my boy the bomb? I'm so lucky!!!!

Just in case you're having a hard time reading it, the print on it says "I wouldn't walk a block without my Cashin-Carry especially down Madison Ave." The colors match my entire summer wardrobe perfectly.

My boyfriend is probably better than your boyfriend! I own!


  1. Ogninja/ApperceptionApril 25, 2009 at 5:51 AM

    Saiyeh! It's apperception/ogninja, what's up? Galikanokus says hi.

  2. ROFL I talk to Tommy all the time ;) Not much up, yo... just got the new coach bag! Breaking it in tonight <3
