As previously seen on Twitter: I survived my drama-filled day at the hotel. I'm not quite sure how, but I lived... and I get to do it all over again tomorrow. Boy howdy!
A lot of guests at work confuse me with my supervisor. Its sort of understandable. We're both similar in height, similar in build, blonde hair, blue eyes, bubbly personalities and we like to joke around a lot. Oh and both of us are named "Jen" too so that makes it even more confusing (although she incorrectly spells it as "Jenn" instead of "Jen." Personally, I'm too lazy for the extra N. More than one N is an abundance of N as far as I'm concerned and completely unnecessary! BTW, Hi Molly, if you're reading this! I still have my keychain and its still in pretty good condition. I love you! Anyhoo...). Since we basically look alike, some of our guests have taken to referring to her as the good twin. I'm the bad twin. I dig that.
Anyway, The Good Twin wasn't scheduled to work today. Lucky! It was a living hell on earth in that lobby tonight. I texted her on my pseudo-Lunch break and said "Hi! I'm at the hotel and having a great time--wish you were here!"
She didn't reply until after midnight. Smart girl!
I had a point to this story when I started... fuck if I remember what it was at now but rest assured, it was all
really fucking funny! While I think of it, let me show you a picture of The Twins at Work Behind the Desk:
That's me on the right.That's pretty much the theme of my day today. It goes way past any form of Murphy's Law or You Can't Win'em All kind of philosophy. I was so inundated with stupidity, bullshit and then a handful of legitimate problems that I started to go cross-eyed. And I'm not even talking about work (although work did have a lot to do with it!).
I honestly just could not win today.
Whatever... my hot-as-balls boyfriend took me to the
E&P after work to grab a quick bite to eat since he had a busy day himself. It was more than nice to have the company although E&P's tease with the new strawberry specials was enough to make me want to kick them in the teeth. I was all set to enjoy some strawberry stuffed french toast and I was advised that I couldn't get it with the midnight menu.
What a fucking joke!
Two nights ago, my boy told me that he "adored" me. In true me-like fashion, I started freaking out and semi over analyzing everything. Whats wrong me?! No! Whats wrong with society in general that its considered normal behavior to freak out when someone expresses positive feelings toward you? It's like... hey I really like this guy. He's awesome! He makes me happy. He's the goods. But wait... ew he likes me too? Uhh... what the fuck is that matter with him that he likes me?!
Why do I expect to be treated badly?
It doesn't even have to be in a relationship. Back in February, I did a children's production of Alice in Wonderland. A 6 year old came up to me and told me that I was his favorite part of the show because I was so funny. I couldn't even take that compliment in stride. He's a 6 year old! In 3 months, he won't even remember the performance but here's me signing an autograph for him and thinking to myself, "Dude this kid finds me sneezing the most hilarious thing about this show... wtf is the matter with this kid?"
You know late night TV is bad when the best thing on is
Clueless on TBS. I love this movie. And even better is young Paul Rudd. I am fast developing a heavy duty crush on Paul Rudd!
@Oprah opened up a twitter account this afternoon. In the first 10 minutes, she had over 75,000 followers. Lets get a quick update, ok? BRB!
BACK! @Oprah's up to 245,305
in less than a day's worth of activity on Twitter.
@aplusk and
@CNNbrk thought racing to 1 million followers was a big deal and how long did it take Ashton to accomplish such a feat? I'm willing to bet that by the end of the week, Oprah will kick his ass x2! Just in the amount of time I've typed this, she's already up to 246,134. That's 829 followers in like 10 minutes (I took a time-out to watch Christian pick Cher up and take her to the party on TBS. "Cher! Get in here. What the hell are you wearing?" "A dress!" "Says who?" "Calvin Klein." God,
LOVE this movie)!!
I'm spending tomorrow night and Sunday with my hot-as-balls boyfriend. I'm really, really excited! I totally got it bad for this guy, man. Every excuse I can think of to see him or talk to him or text him, I take. Ahh, young love. I'm ridiculous. He says he knows how appreciative I am of him and his time and his consideration, but I don't know if he really understands how important it is to me that I have him in my life. I was talking to a friend about him earlier tonight and caught myself saying, "He's going to have to get rid of me because as far as I'm concerned, he's going to be around for a while."
And just a quick note (so I feel like I'm actually stating an opinion here and OMG I'M STILL WATCHING CLUELESS AND I NEVER REALIZED THAT SHE WALKS BY THE WITCH'S HOUSE IN LA!!!), I don't feel that these nationwide tea parties are necessary. In fact, I think they're a waste of time. All these people are protesting is the fact that their candidate didn't get elected. Hey all you rebels... even if your guy got put in office, you'd still be paying taxes. Quit being stupid and go back to work. Also, FYI: you all look really, really dumb with tea bags pinned to your shirts and taped to your hats. Stop embarrassing our country with your ignorance of our own national history, the Boston Tea Party happened because the people objected to taxation without representation. All you rebels without a clue are represented, you just don't like your representative so you're protesting to get out of work or get on the news or because it just looked like fun when the English did it in London during the G20 Summit.
Or... you don't have a job. In which case, I understand your having some extra time on your hands but go get an interview instead and start being productive. In 4 years, you'll get to be heard again and who knows, maybe then your opinion will be shared by enough people to vote someone into office. Until then, shut the fuck up!
Paul Rudd looks like a Gemini. Nope, just'd him. Definitely an Aries and wow he just turned 40 this year. Holy crap!
O.o Obama's speaking in Port of Spain, Trinidad at the moment. Part of me is sad that I missed some of this speech but that same part is fat on popcorn from watching Clueless all night. Sounds like a good trade after all.
@Oprah's up to 248,478 followers. What a Tweetwhore.