Additionally, I don't like the feeling of obligation in having to review my sellers. I don't have anything to say about my sellers past "I bought the item. They sold it to me. I received the item since they shipped it to me... like they were supposed to."
I watch CNN too much. So much so that I'm starting to want to interact with the anchors via Twitter. What the hell is Twitter exactly anyway? I just signed up to poke around on the site earlier today. I have no idea what I'm doing but I think I customized my profile pretty well. It looks pretty to me. I don't understand what makes this so impossibly cool that someone like Don Lemon would opt to use it rather than Facebook though. If you're like me and get distracted by shiny things and like to blow bubbles, Facebook is better because theres more stuff going on that actually keeps your attention. I'm not ADD but I may as well be.
I like my new boyfriend. He's a dream; I haven't had anyone bang me so hard that I actually yelled "make me your bitch, baby" before. I want to start taking more pictures of him and of us together (while we're out doing stuff, not in bed. Don't be dirty). My new boyfriend is smart and kind and courteous and thoughtful and sweet and basically awesome. He thinks I'm cool too. Go figure?!
My ex myspaced me today to wish me a Happy Birthday. I wish that he hadn't. It would have been happier had he ignored it like he usually did when we were still married. I spent my birthday this year getting banged by my new boyfriend. I didn't want to think about my ex.
Could this be any more stream of consciousness?
I don't understand the media's sudden obsession with 2012 either. Its like they're looking for things to bother the public about.
The History Channel disappoints me. I started watching it hoping to learn something but all they do is talk about things like the Lochness Monster, the Mayan Long Count Calender, the Book of Revelations, the end of the world and Nostradamus. I didn't think we as a culture had run out of history so we had to start delving into the world of conspiracy theory.
A boy I know from Tampa who likes me left me a happy birthday wish on Facebook while my new boyfriend was banging the shit out of me this morning and last night. Poor Tampa just doesn't get it. There's some justification in that.
My friend from Orlando called me the other night but I was drunk and was talking w/ my cousin who was also drunk and upset about his ex-fiancée breaking up with him. Family needed to take priority and Orlando hasn't called me back yet. I doubt he will which sort of disappoints me. I like talking to him and he told me that he needed an ear. I feel incredibly guilty.
My new boyfriend told me that he thought I was lovable today. I had read one of those horoscopes in Starbucks today, you know the ones that say "if you were born on this day..." Well since I was born on this day, I decided to read that and I took a picture of it too.

I think this was a good first blog!
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