Sunday, March 22, 2009

Today is a Soy Caramel Machiatto Day (ie Milk but Not Really!)

I got piss drunk last night with my mom. How much of a winner do I feel like this morning! Its cool going out drinking with Mom but when she drinks your ass under the table, its sort of embarrassing. The only upside to this is that she's got a hangover and I'm just a little sore from dancing on the table.

Oh and yelling things like, "Mom, learn when to say when!" while she creeps around the house with her head in her hands and finally collapses back into bed and then tells me that she had something bad to eat yesterday.

I totally have a follower on my blog now. That means at least 1 person is interested in publicly keeping abreast of anything and everything I post. This is a milestone for me. I'm actually really excited and wish I could invite her over for coffee or tea or drinks. I hope she doesn't get bored or scared off.

The 40-Year-Old Virgin is on USA again. Why? Why do they air movies that they have to edit to hell?

My trip to Niagara got pushed back to June, right after my No Doubt concert. I'm actually really excited about it and already put my days off in at work. So, if successfully executed, I'll have 5 days off total, the first of which will be the concert followed by 4 in Canada.

Today is also the first day of my work week. I work straight through until next Saturday. I may attack someone between now and then--though we're only 36% occupancy tonight so I might get to leave early. I'm hanging out with my hot-as-balls boyfriend tonight after work too so if I get out early, that means I might actually get to have some kind of social life along with it and not just going back to his place to get banged. Though that in itself is not at all a bad option but I wouldn't object to going to a movie or something either.

I'm getting a lot of random Twitter followers lately. I'm up to 16 (WOW!)! I ended my relationship with CNNMoney but his brothers CNN and CNNpoliticalticker are trying really hard to get me back together with him. CNNpoliticalticker is sorta cute but a little obnoxious. Jimmy Fallon's having Kat Von Dee on tonight and told me to take a picture of someone's tattoo so she could judge them. I love Jimmy Fallon and I wish I could get a tattoo but I don't know where to get it. Eventually, I'm going to do it. Maybe for my 30th birthday in 2 years...

My horoscope is telling me to call in sick to work today:

Pisces Horoscopes

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

Sunday, Mar 22nd, 2009 -- You might feel a bit letdown today, especially if you had a significant breakthrough yesterday or a sudden change of heart. Now you are less driven and don't know what to do and where to go. Each step you take can feel as if it's in the wrong direction. Your smartest strategy might be to just take the day off. The less you do and the fewer obligations you have, the better.

How very irresponsible of to encourage a Pisces to be even less productive than usual. Christ, I'm sitting here putting off my shower for work by typing this and wants me just chuck it all and go back to bed? Rude!

I think today is a Soy Caramel Machiatto day. I wish I had a laptop so I could go to Starbucks early and just type all this shit up there while I enjoyed my free wi-fi compliments of my Starbucks Gold Card and comment on the people that walked by since I enjoy people watching so much. Most people don't know how to dress, I'd like to take pictures of them, upload them on my blog and then make fun of their outfits publicly so I could then get my ass kicked when they started following me on Blogger 5 months later.

That'd be great.

1 comment:

  1. hells yeah! i get an honorable mention. i'm not scared and i would totally have a machiatto with you at starbucks when i move to pittsburgh. 8 days away from the big move. hopefully this will happen before you blast me on your blog with a fashion citation.
