If someone asks me whats going on with me, I'll tell them exactly whats going on with me because thats what they just asked. If they just wanted to say hi then thats what they should have said. Not only does actually answering the question initiate some form of serious conversation, but it also helps me think outside the box as far as coming up with something interesting to say so I get to feel creative and/or well-informed.
I've also come to realize that it makes me look like a really interesting (if not crazy) person... or just annoying and obnoxious but at least everyone knows what they'll be getting if they engage me in conversation.
Wow! ROOOOFL! CNN just reported that Jan 2008 to Jan 2009, foreclosure in Las Vegas is up 137%! Wow, fuck that city. ROFL! God, I'm so glad I'm not there anymore... but I also can't wait to go back. Vegas owes me so hard core, man. I spent way too much time behind the desk at Bellagio checking idiots in and getting yelled at for no reason by both guests and management and no where near enough time enjoying myself and my life.
I wish these god damn CNN iReporters would quit trying to be funny. They're not funny at all. The concepts some of them try are funny but they have no idea how difficult it is actually being funny and so it just comes off looking really awkward or just undeniably awful. If you don't have any performance experience or no sense of timing, please don't be a Dennis Miller-esque CNN iReporter trying to do a stand up comedy act. Dennis Miller is funny, you are not.
Rick Sanchez got called a racist for covering the Chris Brown/Rihanna saga. Click here for Rick Sanchez's blog account and follow the link to the actual police report. People love throwing around the race word for no reason. How is reporting the police report racist? Get a clue.
Last Call with Carson Daly sucks. I don't know how he's still on the air but I respect the fact that this whole week he's been out of the studio and talking about music and new artists. It makes him seem less like an CNN iReporter with no sense of timing.
A week into Twitter and I still have no idea wtf the point of this site is (other than to get involved in Steamy Romance Novel-esque relationships with CNNMoney). I feel like I'm missing out on something. David Gregory tweeted earlier that Twitter is really popular on Capital Hill and asked a pretty thought provoking question:
davidgregoryI was on Capitol Hill today seeing someone and you can't believe how popular Twitter is. Who do you think most gets Twitter in Congress?
Admittedly, I did @davidgregory and said Joe Biden (because he seems like the kind of political dipstick that would tweet since he talks so damn much) but apparently I'm wrong. Its John McCain... thats REALLY hard to believe. John McCain uses Twitter religiously? Yeah, ok...
So I looked him up. John McCain does indeed have a Twitter Page... word! And it seems like he tweets... a LOT! So here's a quick screen shot of his recent activity on Twitter:
Also, I did nothing today (except my hot-as-balls boyfriend). Since my last blog, I've done absolutely nothing productive. I took a nap. I got up. I grabbed a plate of speghetti and have been making a concentrated effort to read something or at least make some tea for myself. Its really hard to stay focused lately, moreso than usual.
My horoscope yesterday didn't really help that at all.
Pisces Horoscopes
(Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Thursday, Mar 5th, 2009 -- Your key planet Neptune is joined by logical Mercury in your 12th House of Spirituality today. It's nearly impossible for you to write a scientific paper, an instruction manual or a technical document, but it's easy to tell a story, sing a song or write a poem. Forcing yourself to play the role of an analytical scientist or calculating businessperson may make sense some other time, but now you should just give yourself total permission to dream.
Today's wasn't much better either... "make sure you have perspective in your relationships." Wow thanks, thats definitely confidence inspiring and doesn't at all make me worry that I'm seeing through rose-colored glasses as is so natural for me. Fucking horoscopes, why do I read this shit?
Oh! To make myself feel better...
Get fucked, Me.
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