I woke up at 9:45 this morning. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and logged onto LiveNation to began spam clicking the refresh button on the Available Tickets page.
Then at 10am, it happened.
The "Add to Cart" feature was enabled and less than 2 minutes later, I was $190 poorer but had 2 beautiful pit-seat tickets to see No Doubt on June 13th, 2009 at 7:30PM with Paramore opening.
Needless to say, I'm endlessly elated.
I was so elated that as soon as I confirmed my purchase, I had to check where my awesome seats were. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the venue map and couldn't find my tickets.
"Surely this must be a joke or I must still be asleep... allow me to recheck my confirmation information. Ahh yes, I neglected a letter in the row number. Click 'Find Seats' and... what?!"
My heart skipped a beat while my mind processed what was happening before my very eyes. Why couldn't I find my seats? The phrase, "these tickets are non transferable and non refundable" ran through my head as I frantically tried a 3rd, 4th and even a 5th time.
Coming to my senses, I stopped panicking and got pissed off instead so I called LiveNation and waited on hold for 30 minutes until I spoke to a very nice, gay man named Gavin (coincidence? I think not!) who told me that "GAPIT" meant that it was standing room only and that the reason I couldn't find my purchased seats was because it was standing room only and that the reason my tickets were only available through Will Call was because management was trying to protect against scalping and other shady shit.
(That was possibly the best paragraph I've ever written btw.)
Anyway, I humbly asked if that meant that I could feasibly push my way to the front and throw my panties at Gwen Stefani while she sang Hey Baby. While he didn't have a definitive answer for me, I definitely got the feeling that this was a distinct possibility.
Relieved, I happily went back to sleep for another 2 hours until I had to get up to get ready for work.
My good day ended there.
I could go through the grocery list of awful things that happened to me today but why bother? If I look back on this in 6 months, I don't want to read a bunch of angsty stuff and I certainly don't want to be reminded of it. So, lets watch some No Doubt instead, ok?
No Doubt performing "I'm Just a Girl" live
God, how is it even possible that someone as cool as her even exists?
We all have girl crushes, ok? Mine is Gwen Stefani. I'm totally cool with that.
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