Sunday, March 29, 2009

Since No One Else Wants to Say It, I Will: Earth Hour was a World Wide Joke!

I opted out of work this morning about 3 minutes before leaving. I called to see if I'd get in trouble for a short-call or something and when I was told that my coworker had no idea what the policies were, I nearly broke down into tears and said that I couldn't make it in.

I feel pretty bad about calling off last minute but then again, I feel pretty bad in general.

Right now, I'm actually writing this entry in bed on good, old fashioned paper with a pretty snazzy thing called a pen. I'll transfer it onto my new-fangled blog later on today... namely right now.

For now (aka 6:20am) its pouring out so I feel pretty confident in my decision to stay in bed. Which is where I actually am right now just counting down the minutes until I lose my breakfast.

I suddenly feel bad for making fun of my mom's hangover yesterday...

Although, that was self rather induced. Me, I probably picked this bullshit up from one of my dumb guests at work.

God I hate people!

Additionally, this whole writing from bed thing is annoying me. I don't know how my hot-as-balls boyfriend does it! When he writes, he definitely uses pad and pen... meanwhile my writers cramp is just serving to remind me of how very much I want a new laptop!

I think the idea of Earth Hour is really lame. I watched the Larry King interview with Edward Norton (twice) and wasn't moved at all or in fact even impressed by anything that he, as the US Ambassador for the event, had to say. He even admitted that this even wasn't a ways or means to fix the carbon output problem in the world, it was just a way to bring the world together in support of finding a solution to the climate control problem.

...and they say we shouldn't legalize pot...

I say that because the only person this idea would make any sense to is the person that is high and just expelled enough carbon from their lungs that turning off their lava lamp for an hour wouldn't matter anyways.

Hi Michael Phelps. :)

As I'm watching CNN this morning, I'm seeing that cities all across the globe actually did participate in this event, including Las Vegas...

Please refer back to my earlier comment about high people since Vegas' participation was certainly brought on by one of Mayor Oscar Goodman's drunken ramblings demanding some sort of apology from someone or another just to impress one of the 7 show girls he usually has on his arm.


I'm really glad to see that the world has come together to agree to do nothing. As soon as any thought is required on how to actually solve this problem, it'll turn into a political debacle and the buck will start getting passed from person to person to city to city and to country to country. All these hippie advocates were good at uniting the world to take no action, just spread awareness.

Thanks for putting us in the dark for an hour to advise us that there's a problem. All these go green projects had most of us confused. Basically, I'm convinced that the WWF is a bunch of idiots now, that's what Earth Hour accomplished for me.

In other news: this morning's storm lasted 10 minutes at most. The birds are now singing and I'm sure if I look outside the window as soon as the sun rises, I'll see a rainbow and leprechaun hopping around outside. I'm glad everyone else feels good while I'm sitting here sweating out the flu.

Is it wrong that I don't give a fuck about the weather in North Dakota when I live in South Western Pennsylvania? Its humid as fuck here and I'm actually trying to figure out if I'm legitimately sweating out this flu or if how I feel is due to the weather and the fact I'm not acclimated to it.

I got some one-on-one time with my one follower on this blog. Unfortunately, I "went to bed" (aka tried but ended up staying up and crying about how awful I felt) before reading everything she told me about herself. Since I'm good at eStalking people, I was able to find her Facebook easily and added her--much to her sweet surprise I might mention.

Its so cool having a fan.

Anyway, I did peek through her Facebook profile and holy smokes! If I could pick someone to be my fan, I'd be her! She reads (so I'm totally stealing her book list btw) and she likes Harry Potter and Tarot and Pittsburgh!

I'm so hooking up with this chick for some Sbux and conversation at sometime in the near future. This Girly Bromance is totally gonna blossom.

CNN just reported that there's a meningitis outbreak in Nigeria. I bet that's whats wrong with me.. there's a joke about the Nigerian internet scams in there somewhere and dammit I'm going to find it... albeit much later on today.

I'm so hopped up on vitamins and acetaminophen and other flu medicines but I'm still suffering from writer's cramp... oh the irony.

Oh hey! Meet the Press is on today cuz if its Sunday, its Meet the Press. Yay, I get to watch David Gregory this morning. :)

If I don't die first. :(

1 comment:

  1. the saddest thing about this post is that it made me think of all the books i had to leave behind in miami. it was wayyy expensive to mail those boxes full of books. i will be reunited with them someday soon. in the meantime, i look forward to buying new books. kinda sucks that barnes & noble isn't downtown anymore. i hope the other bookstore, (bradley's, i think it's called) the one that's on the 9th floor of kaufmann's/macy's, is still there.
